Tools that help you manage training evaluation, training risk and data to drive continual improvement, audit and assurance activity.
Easily identify and manage risks to training, workplace operations and life associated with your current training programmes.
Evaluate all your training to maximise continual improvement, quality, efficiency and safety.
Whole system training data at your finger tips.
Manage all live evaluations and access archived data. Easily view outstanding surveys and completion rates in one user interface.
The analytics tool puts big data at your finger tips, helping you to analyse trends, create management statistics and provide valuable assurance on all training activity.
In fact understanding the risks posed to your organisation due to deficiencies in knowledge, skills and attitudes (or behaviours) is often the difference between success and failure; and in some industries life and death. That’s why we have embedded tools that help you uncover, analyse and manage key training gaps and other risks associated with the competence of your people.
Aquila Learning helps organisations make sense of complex training and associated risk through expert consultancy and training courses.
For organisations requiring professional consultancy and training, Aquila Learning offers a wealth of training and management experience. Whether your requirement is for a scoping study, analysis, design, delivery or assurance, we are experts in helping organisations form a clear picture of their true requirements and the systems needed to manage these.